Yoon to pursue 'nuclear alliance' during Czech official visit

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Yoon to pursue 'nuclear alliance' during Czech official visit

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Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Kim Tae-hyo announces President Yoon Suk Yeol's plan for his visit to the Czech Republic during a briefing at the presidential office in Seoul on Thursday. [YONHAP]

Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Kim Tae-hyo announces President Yoon Suk Yeol's plan for his visit to the Czech Republic during a briefing at the presidential office in Seoul on Thursday. [YONHAP]

President Yoon Suk Yeol will seek to establish a “nuclear alliance” with the Czech Republic during his official visit to Prague from Sept. 19 to 22, the presidential office announced Thursday.
Yoon is making the first official visit to the Czech Republic by a Korean president in nine years, since former President Park Geun-hye’s trip in December 2015.
“Through this official visit to the Czech Republic, Yoon will convey to the Czech side Team Korea’s firm will to cooperate in successfully completing the nuclear power plant project,” said Kim Tae-hyo, principal deputy national security adviser, in a press briefing at the Yongsan presidential office on Thursday. “We will actively engage in sales diplomacy so that Korean companies can secure orders for the nuclear power plant project.”
Kim further added that “the president’s visit to Prague could be an opportunity to establish a nuclear power alliance between Korea and the Czech Republic,” and that “Korea and the United States could establish a ‘global nuclear power alliance partnership’ in the worldwide market.”

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In July, the Czech Republic picked a Korean consortium as the preferred bidder to build two nuclear reactors in Dukovany, an estimated 24 trillion won ($17 billion) project that could catalyze the country’s renewed drive to export nuclear power facilities.
The decision marks the first overseas nuclear power deal for local firms in some 15 years since securing a contract to build nuclear power reactors in Barakah in the United Arab Emirates in 2009.
Yoon and first lady Kim Keon Hee are scheduled to depart Seoul on Sept. 19, immediately after the Chuseok holiday, and arrive in Prague in the afternoon the same day.
On the first day of his official visit, Yoon will hold private and expanded meetings with Czech President Petr Pavel to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral relations, after which the two leaders will hold a joint press conference.
Yoon and Kim will also attend an official welcoming ceremony and dinner hosted by President Pavel on the day of his arrival.
On the second day, Yoon will attend the Korea-Czech Business Forum with Pavel, and visit Pilsen, a city about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Prague, with Czech Prime Minister Petr Piala to inspect nuclear power plant-related companies. Yoon is then scheduled to return to Prague for a meeting and a working lunch session with Piala.
Yoon and Piala are also scheduled to attend the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding that will institutionalize cooperation between Korea and the Czech Republic in various fields, including nuclear power plant cooperation, trade, investment, advanced technology and supply chains.
During his official visit, Yoon will also meet with the speakers of the Czech senate and parliament and ask for active interest and cooperation from parliament in deepening bilateral relations. Yoon will conclude his visit by hosting a dinner meeting with Korean residents living in the Czech Republic.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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