Nam June Paik exhibition opens at Shinsegae Department Store

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Nam June Paik exhibition opens at Shinsegae Department Store

Attendees view an exhibition by artist Nam June Paik (1932-2006) at the Gangnam branch of Shinsegae Department Store in southern Seoul on Thursday. [SHINSEGAE DEPARTMENT STORE]

Attendees view an exhibition by artist Nam June Paik (1932-2006) at the Gangnam branch of Shinsegae Department Store in southern Seoul on Thursday. [SHINSEGAE DEPARTMENT STORE]

Attendees view an exhibition by artist Nam June Paik (1932-2006) at the Gangnam branch of Shinsegae Department Store in southern Seoul on Thursday. The department store will display works of the visionary Paik, who is widely credited as the father of video art, through Oct. 31 for visitors to view while they shop.
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