Mochinut pop-up opens at Shinsegae Department Store

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Mochinut pop-up opens at Shinsegae Department Store

Models introduce Mochinut donuts at Sweet Park, the dessert area on the basement floor of Shinsegae Department Store's Gangnam branch in southern Seoul on Thursday. [SHINSEGAE DEPARTMENT STORE]

Models introduce Mochinut donuts at Sweet Park, the dessert area on the basement floor of Shinsegae Department Store's Gangnam branch in southern Seoul on Thursday. [SHINSEGAE DEPARTMENT STORE]

Models introduce Mochinut donuts at Sweet Park, the dessert area on the basement floor of Shinsegae Department Store's Gangnam branch in southern Seoul on Thursday.
Shinsegae Department Store announced Thursday that it would hold a pop-up for the U.S. dessert brand at its Gangnam branch through Oct. 4. Mochinut's specialty is its Mochi Donuts, which are connected circles of eight dough balls.
Flavors including yuzu, strawberry, coffee and chocolate are available for purchase at the store.
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