Latest technical glitch hits KakaoTalk as users experience message delays

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Latest technical glitch hits KakaoTalk as users experience message delays

KakaoTalk page affected by a techinical error [YONHAP]

KakaoTalk page affected by a techinical error [YONHAP]

Some users of the messaging app KakaoTalk experienced technical difficulties on Friday morning, including message delays.
KakaoTalk confirmed that it had restored service after recognizing that users encountered errors for six minutes between 9:24 and 9:30 a.m.

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This was not the first instance of technical issues affecting KakaoTalk users. 
Some users were unable to log in for more than an hour in July, and there were three separate incidents of technical errors in May.
Kakao previously attributed these issues to a failure to conduct pretests when updating data center server files. The company also reported that internal system improvement work led to outages, and subsequent attempts to address these issues without fully understanding the root cause resulted in further service interruptions.

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