Porsche Korea appoints Mathias Busse as new CEO

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Porsche Korea appoints Mathias Busse as new CEO

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Mathias Busse, the new CEO of Porsche Korea [PORSCHE KOREA]

Mathias Busse, the new CEO of Porsche Korea [PORSCHE KOREA]

Porsche Korea appointed Mathias Busse as its new CEO, the Korean unit of the German luxury carmaker said Friday.
His term will become effective on Oct. 1. 

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Busse, 49, is a sales and management veteran with around 25 years of experience in the automotive industry. Busse has previously served as the CEO of Porsche Taiwan Motors and Porsche Retail Hamburg. 
Since early 2022, Busse has served as the senior director for the German market at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
“We are grateful to have Mathias Busse for the Korean market, as he has already proven his outstanding leadership and international experience for overseeing the world’s largest market for the Volkswagen commercial vehicle group," said Detlev von Platen, member of the executive board for sales and marketing. "With his deep understanding of the specific dynamics of the Asian market, we expect him to further strengthen the presence of the Porsche brand in the Korean market." 
Holger Gerrmann, who has led Porsche Korea as its CEO for five years, will move to a role as the CEO of Porsche Switzerland. 
Gerrmann has also served as the chairperson of the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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