K-Pet Fair delights pups and their parents

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K-Pet Fair delights pups and their parents

 A dog sits in a stroller at the 2024 K-Pet Fair at Coex in southern Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

A dog sits in a stroller at the 2024 K-Pet Fair at Coex in southern Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

A dog sits in a stroller at the 2024 K-Pet Fair at Coex in southern Seoul on Friday.
The fair, welcoming exhibitors offering various pet-related goods from food to household items, was held from Aug. 23 to 25 with 245 booths by 150 companies.
The event included a stroller test-drive zone allowing pet owners to try out several different pet strollers for sale with a special discount for fair attendees.
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