Min wary of manipulation as ADOR announces shareholder meeting for Oct. 17

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Min wary of manipulation as ADOR announces shareholder meeting for Oct. 17

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Min Hee-jin, the former CEO of ADOR, on May 31 [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

Min Hee-jin, the former CEO of ADOR, on May 31 [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

ADOR announced it will hold a shareholder meeting on Oct. 17 to vote for Min Hee-jin's extension as a board member but representatives of the NewJeans producer have called out the label's motion as a mere "disguise."
"ADOR's board has voted to convene a shareholder meeting to renew Min Hee-jin's contract as a board member, but it is unclear whether HYBE, the major shareholder, will actually vote for the item," Min's legal representation Shin & Kim said Wednesday following ADOR's announcement that came earlier the same day.

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ADOR announced Wednesday it won't be reinstating former CEO Min Hee-jin but will convene a shareholder meeting to vote to let her stay as a board member in what seems to be a sign of compromise from the NewJeans agency.
The discussions in the meeting were shared to the members of NewJeans in an email and the company will discuss further details with Min in the future, ADOR said in a statement.
A truck carrying an LED screen is seen outside HYBE headquarters on Sept. 23. The message reads, ″HYBE, stop hiding behind artists and fandom like a coward.″ [NEWS1]

A truck carrying an LED screen is seen outside HYBE headquarters on Sept. 23. The message reads, ″HYBE, stop hiding behind artists and fandom like a coward.″ [NEWS1]

"The 'compromise' is a just a disguise," the law firm said. "ADOR has only offered to extend the contract without mentioning the wrongful clauses in the contract. Min Hee-jin is concerned that her contract may be extended on the wrong basis and that NewJeans' future will not be properly protected."
Min accused ADOR and HYBE of trying to manipulate the media to show her in a negative light, something that was demonstrated on a radio show earlier on Wednesday. A Seoul Shinmun reporter disclosed a phone call between himself and a HYBE official who tried to downplay NewJeans' success and said that Min had gaslit the members.
"We are only deeply saddened by ADOR's futile attempt to manipulate the media and the public through lies that will easily be revealed," read the statement from Shin & Kim. 
"We urge the ADOR board to show sincerity in their negotiation and reinstate Min Hee-jin as the CEO in order to ensure the artists' rightful performances."

BY YOON SO-YEON [yoon.soyeon@joongang.co.kr]
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