Hyundai's Robotics Lab tests wearable robots

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Hyundai's Robotics Lab tests wearable robots

An injured soldier tests X-ble MEX, a wearable robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, at a hospital. [YONHAP]

An injured soldier tests X-ble MEX, a wearable robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, at a hospital. [YONHAP]

An injured soldier tests X-ble MEX, a wearable robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, at a hospital. 
The automaker said Tuesday that it released a promotional video of the robot that features wounded soldiers using the robot. 
The X-ble MEX is designed to help with five movements: walking, standing, sitting, turning and running up and down stairs. 
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