KT CEO Kim discusses future of telecommunications networks in an AI world

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KT CEO Kim discusses future of telecommunications networks in an AI world

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KT's CEO Kim Young-shub speaks during a keynote address at the M360 Asia Pacific event organized by the GSM Association at the Westin Josun Seoul hotel in Jung District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

KT's CEO Kim Young-shub speaks during a keynote address at the M360 Asia Pacific event organized by the GSM Association at the Westin Josun Seoul hotel in Jung District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]


KT's CEO Kim Young-shub talked about the future of telecommunications companies in an AI-powered future during a keynote address at the M360 Asia Pacific event organized by the GSM Association at the Westin Josun Seoul hotel in Jung District, central Seoul, on Tuesday.
"An AI generation, where AI is being integrated into our daily lives, has arrived," Kim said.
Kim emphasized that telemedicine services and AI-based traffic management systems are both AI-based services that the company provides. 
"To provide a curated service in a world where AI is everywhere, we need ultra-wideband and ultra-low latency telecommunications networks [which is why] we have to be in the forefront of the evolution through technologies like a 6G network." 

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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