Senior Citizens' Day a stark reminder of elderly poverty in Korea

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Senior Citizens' Day a stark reminder of elderly poverty in Korea

  • 기자 사진
Elderly people stand in line at a soup kitchen set up outside Tapgol Park in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday, which also marks Senior Citizens' Day in Korea. Approximately 40 percent of the 10 million people aged 66 and over live in poverty, according to an OECD report published in December. Government statistics released earlier in the year show about a quarter of people aged 70 and above still work. [YONHAP]

Elderly people stand in line at a soup kitchen set up outside Tapgol Park in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday, which also marks Senior Citizens' Day in Korea. Approximately 40 percent of the 10 million people aged 66 and over live in poverty, according to an OECD report published in December. Government statistics released earlier in the year show about a quarter of people aged 70 and above still work. [YONHAP]

Elderly people stand in line at a soup kitchen set up outside Tapgol Park in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday, which also marks Senior Citizens' Day in Korea. 
Approximately 40 percent of the 10 million people aged 66 and over live in poverty, according to an OECD report published in December.
Government statistics released earlier in the year show about a quarter of people aged 70 and above still work.

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