Seoul’s Yongsan District becomes first to offer simultaneous interpretation in multiple languages

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Seoul’s Yongsan District becomes first to offer simultaneous interpretation in multiple languages

A person uses a translation service in Yongsan District office. [YONGSAN DISTRICT]

A person uses a translation service in Yongsan District office. [YONGSAN DISTRICT]

Seoul's Yongsan District has launched a simultaneous interpretation service in multiple languages, becoming the first district in the city to offer this service.

A transparent 55-inch (140-centimeter) touch screen monitor has been installed at the information desk of the Yongsan District Office to facilitate the service.

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Visitors can select their preferred language and ask questions verbally. The questions are then translated into Korean in real-time, with the conversations displayed on the screen.
Thirteen languages are available: Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Malay, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish.
The district aims to provide kind and accurate services to all visitors while enhancing its international competitiveness. As of the second quarter of this year, approximately 13,390 foreign nationals from more than 177 countries are registered residents in Yongsan District.
“The simultaneous interpretation service will help our multinational residents better access administrative services offered by Yongsan District,” said a district official. “We are committed to maintaining the quality of translation through continuous enhancements.”
The district will also assign three civil service counselors to assist foreign nationals, as well as individuals with disabilities, pregnant individuals and the elderly.
“Yongsan District requires special consideration as it’s a place where rich cultures and languages coexist,” said Park Hee-young, head of Yongsan District Office. “We aim to enhance satisfaction with our administrative services by improving convenience and accessibility for everyone.”

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