LA Study in Korea Information Center opens to attract more North American students

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LA Study in Korea Information Center opens to attract more North American students

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Korea University's international students pose for a group photo after last year's freshmen orientation session. The Education Ministry will open the LA Study in Korea Information Center on Friday to encourage more international students from North America to study in Korea. [NEWS1]

Korea University's international students pose for a group photo after last year's freshmen orientation session. The Education Ministry will open the LA Study in Korea Information Center on Friday to encourage more international students from North America to study in Korea. [NEWS1]

The LA Study in Korea Information Center will open on Friday in hopes of attracting more international students from North America, with the government also hosting a university fair to support the initiative.
The center will be located on the second floor of the Korean Education Center in Los Angeles, California. It will feature an exhibition area, counseling office and lecture room for students.
Prospective students will be able to visit the center to get information about studying in Korea and ask any questions they may have.
By offering assistance to students who want to study at Korean universities, the government aims to diversify the countries from which international students come. As of April, there were 208,962 international students studying at Korean universities, but students from North America made up only 2 percent, or 4,217.  
"We will work with Korean Education Centers in North America and the overseas Korean community here to actively promote studying in Korea, helping to open the era of 'K-education' in the United States," said Kang Jeon-hoon, president of the Korean Education Center in Los Angeles.   
A poster for the 2024 Study in Korea College Fair in USA [NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION]

A poster for the 2024 Study in Korea College Fair in USA [NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION]

Following the opening of the center, the National Institute of International Education (Niied) and the Korean Education Center in Los Angeles will host the 2024 Study in Korea College Fair in the USA on Saturday and Sunday in Buena Park, Orange County.  
Niied hosts the university fair in various countries, although this is the first time the fair has been brought to the United States.
A total of 12 universities, such as Korea University, Kyung Hee University and Pusan National University, will be attending the fair to provide information about admissions, scholarships and dormitories.  
Another 28 universities, including Sogang University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Kangwon National University, will offer consultations online. Those who wish to receive consultations can sign up via Niied's Study in Korea website.
The Korean Education Center in Los Angeles expects around 2,000 people to visit the fair during the two-day event.

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