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Lee Yun-ho, former minister of knowledge and economy, third from left, speaks on a panel organized by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) Monday where former ministers gathered to discuss the survivalof Korea's chip industry at the FKI's headquarters in Yeouido, western Seoul. Intel. [FEDERATION OF KOREAN INDUSTRIES]

Lee Yun-ho, former minister of knowledge and economy, third from left, speaks on a panel organized by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) Monday where former ministers gathered to discuss the survivalof Korea's chip industry at the FKI's headquarters in Yeouido, western Seoul. Intel. [FEDERATION OF KOREAN INDUSTRIES]

Lee Yun-ho, former minister of knowledge and economy, third from left, speaks on a panel organized by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) Monday where former ministers gathered to discuss the survivalof Korea's chip industry at the FKI's headquarters in Yeouido, western Seoul. The ministers requested that the Korean government ramp up support for the industry, including direct grants to chipmakers, in order not to repeat the mistakes of Japan’s Toshiba and the U.S.-based Intel. [FEDERATION OF KOREAN INDUSTRIES] 

BY JIN EUN-SOO [jin.eunsoo@joongang.co.kr]
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