Balvenie's 50-year-aged Scotch lands in Korea

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Balvenie's 50-year-aged Scotch lands in Korea

Models introduce a bottle of Scotch whiskey from the Balvenie Fifty Collection at Hotel Shilla in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

Models introduce a bottle of Scotch whiskey from the Balvenie Fifty Collection at Hotel Shilla in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

Models introduce a bottle of Scotch whisky from the Balvenie Fifty Collection at Hotel Shilla in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday.
The release is the first of three annual rollouts of the 50-year-aged whiskey from a distillery in the Speyside region of Scotland, which packages the bottles in a wood case developed in collaboration with Croglin, a bespoke craft workshop based in Cumbria, Britain.
The edition of the whiskey is very rare, with only three bottles currently in Korea.
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