Yonsei defends fairness of admissions exam after test question leak

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Yonsei defends fairness of admissions exam after test question leak

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Yonsei University's campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is filled with students on Oct. 12, the day of the university admissions written test. [NEWS1]

Yonsei University's campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is filled with students on Oct. 12, the day of the university admissions written test. [NEWS1]

Following the leak of an exam question from Yonsei University's admissions exam, the university clarified that the photo of the question was taken and uploaded after the exam ended, and there will not be a retest. 
"We are not considering arranging a retest," Yonsei University's Office of Admissions said Monday.

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In a statement issued Sunday night, the university said it was not true that the questions were leaked before the exam began and assured that the fairness of the exam was not compromised. 
On Oct. 12, exam papers for the natural science track of Yonsei University's early admissions test were distributed earlier than scheduled in one exam room, due to a test supervisor mistaking the time. The test papers were recollected after about 15 minutes.
However, Yonsei University clarified that all of the distributed test papers were covered with a practice sheet. Students had been instructed to turn off any electronic devices and place them in their bags before receiving the test materials.  
The university believes that one test-taker went online and vaguely described shapes they had seen on the test paper after the papers were recollected but before the test officially began. 
Yonsei University has formed a committee to investigate whether any issues compromised the fairness of the exam. 
"Even if students knew shapes were included in the question, this would not give them enough information to understand the actual question, so it is not considered as compromising the fairness of the exam," the university said. 

A picture of a test question was also posted online, but the university clarified that the photo was taken after the exam had officially ended, when students were submitting their answer sheets. 
"If necessary, we will request an investigation by police or other legal authorities to ensure no doubts remain," the university statement read. "If any academic misconduct is discovered, we will handle the matter fairly in accordance with relevant regulations." 
The Ministry of Education is also looking into the matter but is not directly intervening.

"This is a very important issue, and we will be monitoring it closely with the university," said Koo Yeon-hee, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education, during a regular briefing on Monday. "We are also requesting that other universities transparently and fairly operate their admissions processes." 
"Yonsei University has formed a separate committee to investigate unclear matters and plans to respond strictly. Admission exams for individual universities are under the control of each university, and there is little for [the Education Ministry] to interfere with."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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