SKT unveils QKD-PQC hybrid quantum encryption product

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SKT unveils QKD-PQC hybrid quantum encryption product

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Employees from ID Quantique test the new hybrid quantum encryption product co-developed by the Swiss company and Korea's SK Telecom. [SK TELECOM]

Employees from ID Quantique test the new hybrid quantum encryption product co-developed by the Swiss company and Korea's SK Telecom. [SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom, Korea’s largest mobile carrier, unveiled a hybrid quantum encryption product on Tuesday that significantly strengthens the protection of valuable information against hacking threats posed by advancements in quantum computing.
The product integrates the latest post-quantum cryptography (PQC) software developed by SKT with a quantum key distribution system (QKD) known as “Clavis XG” developed by Swiss quantum encryption company ID Quantique (IDQ).
The combination of QKD and PQC that is compliant with guidelines set by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the world’s first such release, SKT emphasized.

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The most significant feature of this product is that it offers dual encryption from two core quantum technologies. QKD generates and distributes quantum encryption keys between the sender and receiver in a way that makes it theoretically impossible to hack. PQC, on the other hand, uses complex mathematical problems that take quantum computers a long time to solve, providing strong encryption.
The in-house PQC algorithm developed by the Korean company was deemed NIST-compliant in August.
Discussions are currently underway on the product's utilization in local public institutions and governments.
SKT also introduced a stand-alone PQC product aimed at customers looking for a more cost-effective solution compared to QKD. This product integrates SKT’s PQC software into IDQ’s latest commercial key management system (KMS), “Solteris.”
While QKD is considered to be the strongest encryption system, its high cost makes PQC a more attractive choice as it can be deployed as software, enabling easier integration on existing network equipment at a lower cost, though it may be cracked faster as quantum computing advances.
“The QKD-PQC hybrid quantum encryption product provides the strongest quantum security available today,” said Ha Min-yong, chief development officer at SK Telecom, in a statement. “SKT aims to lead the global market and discover new business opportunities with the world’s leading quantum encryption technology.”

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