SKT releases white paper on AI and the 6G era

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SKT releases white paper on AI and the 6G era

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SK Telecom released a 6G white paper on future networks and an outlook on the 6G communications on Tuesday.[SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom released a 6G white paper on future networks and an outlook on the 6G communications on Tuesday.[SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom released a 6G white paper on future networks and an outlook on 6G communications in the AI era on Tuesday.
The report defines the core of 6G evolution as “cloud, AI and green-native” and presents guidance on future AI-powered 6G infrastructure in line with the vision of AI technology in everyday environments as outlined by the International Telecommunication Union.
The paper builds on the previous 6G paper that SKT released last year, which introduced key requirements and technology trends necessary for 6G commercialization.
The merging of burgeoning future technologies will enable telecommunications companies to offer more specialized services based on evolving infrastructure, shifting away from the prior business paradigm of generating revenue based on traffic demand, according to this year's report.
The paper forecast more flexibility in network structures in the 6G era, blending various generations of mobile communications depending on data traffic demand and specific services.
The concept of “telco edge AI infrastructure,” in which AI services and real-time data processing are simultaneously provided through the combination of telecom infrastructure and AI, will gain significant attention in the future, it said.
In line with the paper, SK Telecom has been aiming to incorporate AI into its core businesses and enter the global market with AI services.
During 2024 Icheon Forum, an annual SK Group-wide forum that brings together top executives from its affiliates, SKT CEO Ryu Young-sang emphasized the adoption of an “AI-infrastructure first” approach to make investments in the sector to facilitate convenient access to AI for businesses.

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