University of Seoul and Shandong Youth University of Political Science discuss programs for Chinese students

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University of Seoul and Shandong Youth University of Political Science discuss programs for Chinese students

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Officials from the University of Seoul and Shandong Youth University of Political Science pose for a photo after the meeting on Monday. [UNIVERSITY OF SEOUL]

Officials from the University of Seoul and Shandong Youth University of Political Science pose for a photo after the meeting on Monday. [UNIVERSITY OF SEOUL]

The University of Seoul announced Tuesday it met with officials from the Shandong Youth University of Political Science to discuss creating programs that invite Chinese students to study in Korea.
University officials met with each other at the University of Seoul's campus in Dongdaemun District, central Seoul, on Monday to discuss partnerships.  

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During the meeting, plans to create a visiting semester program that brings students from Shandong Youth University of Political Science to the University of Seoul was discussed. More details will be further discussed, but the universities said they plan to offer support for the visiting students to pursue a graduate school degree at the University of Seoul upon graduation.  
The University of Seoul has 663 international students enrolled in its degree programs, with 163 being Chinese students.  
"We will continue to develop various programs that help invite international students, expanding our international partnerships," said a spokesperson for the university.  

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