Hanwha Ocean executive in hot water after smiling selfie with NewJeans’ Hanni at workers' death hearing

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Hanwha Ocean executive in hot water after smiling selfie with NewJeans’ Hanni at workers' death hearing

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Jung In-sub, Hanwha Ocean’s head of Geoje shipyard, front, taking a selfie with NewJeans' Hanni while waiting to testify at a National Assembly audit in western Seoul on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Jung In-sub, Hanwha Ocean’s head of Geoje shipyard, front, taking a selfie with NewJeans' Hanni while waiting to testify at a National Assembly audit in western Seoul on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Hanwha Ocean issued an apology for the "highly inappropriate" behavior of a company executive who took a selfie with NewJeans’ Hanni at the National Assembly on Tuesday while he was attending a hearing on worker deaths. 
Jung In-sub, head of Hanwha Ocean’s Geoje shipyard, was caught on camera grinning as he took a selfie with Hanni, who was seated behind him, while he waited to testify during the audit.
The executive was attending the hearing as a witness regarding worker deaths in industrial accidents at domestic shipyards.

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Hanni appeared as a witness to testify about the workplace harassment allegations she raised last month against HYBE.  
“We deeply apologize to the public, the National Assembly and the bereaved families for the inappropriate behavior of our executive,” the shipbuilder said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. “The actions of our executive, who was attending the National Assembly audit as a witness due to a traffic accident at the plant, were highly inappropriate.”  
Rep. Choi Min-hee of the Democratic Party, third from left, filming Hanni as she enters the National Assembly building on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Rep. Choi Min-hee of the Democratic Party, third from left, filming Hanni as she enters the National Assembly building on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

The appearance of a K-pop star at the National Assembly is rare and Jung was not alone in his excitement. Another lawmaker was also caught trying to meet Hanni separately while she waited to testify. 
Rep. Choi Min-hee of the Democratic Party filmed Hanni as she entered the National Assembly building and later faced criticism for attempting to meet the K-pop star privately.

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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