The Oulim festival to return to London, promote Korean creative content

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The Oulim festival to return to London, promote Korean creative content

Visitors look around displayed work at The Oulim held at Saatchi Gallery in London in October last year. [YONHAP]

Visitors look around displayed work at The Oulim held at Saatchi Gallery in London in October last year. [YONHAP]

The Oulim, a global festival showcasing Korea's cutting-edge technology-infused content, will return to London's Saatchi Gallery for a 10-day run from Oct. 18 to 27, according to the Korea Creative Content Agency (Kocca).
Jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Kocca, this year's festival aims to further promote Korea's creative content to local consumers and businesses. Building on the success of last year's event, The Oulim will feature exhibitions, conferences, business matchmaking and investor relations pitching sessions to facilitate global business opportunities for domestic content companies.

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Showcasing the diverse range of Korea's innovative content, the exhibition will highlight five key themes: AI and digital humans, games and VR, media art, the metaverse and blockchain (NFTs). A total of 40 works from 24 companies will be on display, including innovative projects such as Amorepacific's TikTok game, UNC's virtual influencer Aimy Moon and the K-pop community platform "Kooky."
An official promotional poster for The Oulim [Kocca]

An official promotional poster for The Oulim [Kocca]

"Leveraging the strong brand recognition of The Oulim in the U.K., we anticipate significant global business achievements for our participating companies," said Kim Nam-geol, head of the new game technology division at Kocca. "We will continue to provide active support to facilitate the global distribution of innovative content utilizing Korea's outstanding intellectual property."

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