China's Xi may visit during next year's APEC summit, says South Korea's envoy to Beijing

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China's Xi may visit during next year's APEC summit, says South Korea's envoy to Beijing

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South Korea's Ambassador to China Cung Jae-ho speaks during a parliamentary audit session at the South Korean Embassy in Beijing on Wednesday. [NEWS1]

South Korea's Ambassador to China Cung Jae-ho speaks during a parliamentary audit session at the South Korean Embassy in Beijing on Wednesday. [NEWS1]

Chinese President Xi Jinping may visit South Korea next year, coinciding with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit set to take place in Gyeongju, South Korea's outgoing ambassador to China suggested Wednesday.
This will be Xi's first visit to his neighboring country since his last visit to South Korea in 2014 during Park Geun-hye's administration. 
"When President Xi met with President Yoon Suk Yeol in November 2022, he mentioned that he would consider visiting South Korea after the Covid-19 pandemic subsides, and he made a similar statement during a meeting with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo in September of last year," Ambassador Chung Jae-ho said during a parliamentary audit session at the South Korean Embassy in Beijing. "While nothing has been confirmed yet, Xi has typically attended APEC meetings, so next year's summit in Gyeongju could present a good opportunity."
Chung's comments came in response to a suggestion by the conservative People Power Party Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun, who proposed that a visit by Yoon to China could pave the way for Xi’s visit next year. Chung responded, "It seems more appropriate for China to fulfill its promise first."
During the audit, Chung also acknowledged recent subtle shifts in the relationship between North Korea and China following the improvement of ties between North Korea and Russia.
"There are indeed subtle signs of change," he said, but urged caution in drawing conclusions.
"Looking back at the past 70 years of North Korea-China relations, they have sometimes deteriorated significantly, only to return to normal as if nothing had happened. I am reluctant to make any hasty judgments this time," he said.
Chung will soon step down from his post following Yoon's appointment of Kim Dae-ki, former presidential chief of staff, as the new South Korean Ambassador to China on Monday.

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