Korea Ginseng Corporation gets approval to market ginseng as aid in blood glucose regulation

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Korea Ginseng Corporation gets approval to market ginseng as aid in blood glucose regulation

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The Korea Ginseng Corporation received approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to market ginseng as an aid in blood glucose regulation, the company said Thursday. [KOREA GINSENG COMPANY]

The Korea Ginseng Corporation received approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to market ginseng as an aid in blood glucose regulation, the company said Thursday. [KOREA GINSENG COMPANY]

The Korea Ginseng Corporation received approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to market ginseng as an aid in blood glucose regulation, the company said Thursday.
The approval was made based on Korea Ginseng Corporation’s preclinical trial studies and clinical trials.
The company "was able to prove that the consumption of ginseng can result in a decrease in fasting blood glucose levels, postprandial blood glucose levels and glycated hemoglobin,” it said in a press release Thursday. 
“Korea Ginseng Corporation notably proved that the increase in the glucagon-like-peptide 1 gut hormone affected insulin resistance and blood glucose metabolism regulation.”
Korea Ginseng Corporation will have exclusive rights to market ginseng as an aid in blood glucose regulation for three years.
The company will be launching a blood glucose-focused brand GLPro this month.

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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