Seoul's Foreign Ministry summons Russian envoy over North Korea's troop deployment for Ukraine war

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Seoul's Foreign Ministry summons Russian envoy over North Korea's troop deployment for Ukraine war

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South Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun, right, summons Russian Ambassador to Seoul Georgiy Zinoviev on Monday to formally protest North Korea’s reported deployment of troops to Russia to support the Ukraine war. [MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS]

South Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun, right, summons Russian Ambassador to Seoul Georgiy Zinoviev on Monday to formally protest North Korea’s reported deployment of troops to Russia to support the Ukraine war. [MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS]

South Korea's Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to Seoul on Monday to formally protest North Korea’s reported deployment of troops to Russia to support Moscow's war in Ukraine.
South Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun expressed strong concerns over the illegal military cooperation between North Korea and Russia during an afternoon meeting with Ambassador Georgiy Zinoviev at the ministry's headquarters, according to Seoul's Foreign Ministry.

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Kim "strongly demanded" the immediate withdrawal of North Korean troops allegedly deployed in Russia and called for an end to related cooperation between the two nations, noting that such actions violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions against North Korea and the UN Charter. Furthermore, Kim condemned the illegal military collaboration between North Korea and Russia "in the strongest terms."
In response, the Russian Embassy in Seoul quoted Zinoviev as saying that cooperation between Russia and North Korea is "carried out within the framework of international law" and is "not directed against the security interests" of South Korea. He also noted that Russia and South Korea have "opposing positions" regarding the causes of growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula, though the ministry did not specify what Russia's position entails.
This is the third time this year the ministry has summoned Zinoviev as North Korea strengthens its military ties with Russia.
South Korea's National Intelligence Service confirmed Friday that North Korea has decided to deploy 12,000 soldiers to assist Russia in its war against Ukraine.
UPDATE, Oct. 21: More comments by South Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun and the Russian embassy's reaction added.

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