Korea's first creator fandom platform to launch on June 22

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Korea's first creator fandom platform to launch on June 22



Binary Korea, a software R&D subsidiary of HYBE, will officially launch the first creator fandom platform in Korea on June 22.
"The new platform is named Theus, which means a space where creators and fans become ‘Us'," said the company on Monday.  

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Theus aims to be "the only playground where creators and fandoms gather together." Each creator will have a dedicated "space" where they can upload their content, interact with fans, hold events and develop their fandoms.
Binary Korea has been conducting beta testing since March. More than 20,000 users have signed up before the official launch as of Monday, according to HYBE. 
Theus is a joint business in which Binary Korea develops the app service and digital entertainment company Sandbox Network manages creator admissions and operations. 
Creator fandom platform, ″Theus,″ launches on June 22. [HYBE]

Creator fandom platform, ″Theus,″ launches on June 22. [HYBE]

Last October, Binary Korea and Sandbox Network signed a memorandum of understanding to create a fandom platform for creators, like YouTubers and TikTokers, and their fans.  
Creators including Dotty, Sister Yell, Ddo Ddo Couple, Anunu, Angzzing, Jongji Bubu, Inssa Family and Jo Jae-won have currently joined Theus.
Binary Korea plans to kick off the full service of Theus with an official launch party on June 22. Currently the platform is offering partial services. Around 10 additional creator teams, including Cheeze Film, Just 1 Minute and Shin Sajang, are set to join the party to mark the start of Korea’s first creator fandom platform.
“More creators will continue to join," said Kim Sung-min, CEO of Binary Korea. "We will update [the platform] with new features based on various feedback from the creators.”
“We ask for your interest on Theus, which will be a new playground for both creators and their supporting fandoms,” said Kim.

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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