Beachgoers shower with Song Joong-ki

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Beachgoers shower with Song Joong-ki


One of the contestants takes shower in a booth set up by Sprite. [NEWSIS]


Actor Song Joong-ki poses at Haeundae Beach in Busan yesterday. [NEWSIS]


Actor Song Joong-ki, far right, smiles as contestants in the event pose to win prizes. [NEWSIS]

Actor Song Joong-ki went to Haeundae Beach in Busan to judge a contest hosted by soda brand Sprite, yesterday.

The event, called “Sprite Shower,” invited beachgoers to clean their bodies of seawater in a giant, temporary shower booth that looks like a soda dispenser.

Contestants who posed in an interesting way received prizes from Song.

By Lee Sun-min []
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