Maldives honeymoon for Lee Byung-hun and Lee Min-jung

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Maldives honeymoon for Lee Byung-hun and Lee Min-jung


Lee Min-jung and Lee Byung-hun

Celebrities Lee Byung-hun of film “Red 2” and actress Lee Min-jung of SBS drama “All about My Romance,” who are marrying one another on Saturday, will go to the Maldives for their honeymoon, a popular travel destination for newlyweds in Korea.

Many celebrities, including actor Shin Hyun-joon of SBS drama “Stairway to Heaven,” and Sunye of girl group Wonder Girls have gone to the island in the Indian Ocean after their wedding ceremonies.

The couple will announce more details about their honeymoon and other post-wedding arrangements such as their new home and future family plan at a press conference prior to the ceremony.

Saturday’s wedding will happen at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hannam-dong, central Seoul and it is closed to the public. It has been said that the couple has invited around 900 guests.

By Lee Sun-min []
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