‘Tough as Iron’ to get Japan release

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‘Tough as Iron’ to get Japan release

Actor Yoo Ah-in’s movie “Tough as Iron,” which was released domestically in 2013, will be released in Japan in May with a new title, according to local reports yesterday.

Local media reported that “Tough as Iron” has gained popularity in Japan since its Korea release and after Yoo starred as Gul-oh in “Sungkyunkwan Scandal,” a KBS2 drama series broadcast in 2010.

In the film, the 27-year-old actor plays Gang-chul who gets involved with gangsters while trying to help his mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Yoo will also appear in the upcoming film “Elegant Lies,” which stars veteran actress Kim Hee-ae.

By Jin Eun-soo [estyle@joongang.co.kr]
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