Actor warns his Facebook imposter

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Actor warns his Facebook imposter


Actor Lee Jong-suk

Actor Lee Jong-suk is breaking his silence about an imposter pretending to be him on Facebook.

“I don’t use Facebook, I use Me2Day because Facebook is tricky,” wrote Lee on his Me2Day account Sunday. “I don’t know why he or she is impersonating someone like me.”

Lee, who currently stars in “I Hear Your Voice” on SBS, also had a warning for the imposter: “I know it is very difficult to live someone else’s life, although I do for dramas,” he wrote. “Please stop it.”

It was not the first time Lee addressed his impersonator, although last time he was not so nice. “What? I don’t use Facebook,” he wrote in December. “I will kick your ass.”

By Ahn Joo-hee

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