Lee Jong-suk tops Chuseok poll

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Lee Jong-suk tops Chuseok poll


Lee Jong-suk

Actor Lee Jong-suk of SBS drama “I Hear Your Voice” has been chosen as the celebrity most people want to spend Chuseok with.

NS Home Shopping conducted a survey last month to find out who consumers want to go grocery shopping for in preparation of one of the largest national holidays in Korea. They said Lee had been chosen after garnering 34 percent of the vote.

Actor Kim Su-hyun of MBC drama “The Moon Embracing the Sun” came in second place, taking a 20 percent share.

Lee Seung-gi of MBC drama “Gu Family Book” came in third with 17 percent of the entire vote, while Song Joong-ki of KBS drama “The Innocent Man” took 9 percent.

By Lee Sun-min [summerlee@joongang.co.kr]
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