Actress Yoo’s cancer takes toll

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Actress Yoo’s cancer takes toll


Yoo Chae-yeong

Renowned singer and actress Yoo Chae-yeong is in critical condition following a diagnosis with terminal gastric cancer, local media said yesterday.

The 40-year-old was reported last year to be suffering from stomach cancer. However, after undergoing surgery, her condition did not markedly improve.

The cancer has apparently spread to the other organs of her body, media said. Yoo dropped out of her regular MBC radio program on Friday. “Yoo’s condition is severe,” her husband, Kim Joo-hwan, confirmed yesterday in an interview with local news outlets. “I hope many people will pray for her after seeing these articles.”

Yoo is currently being hospitalized at the Shinchon branch of Severance Hospital.

By Jin Eun-soo, contributing writer

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