Ahn Bo-hyun to star in upcoming romantic comedy 'Date at 2 O'Clock'

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Ahn Bo-hyun to star in upcoming romantic comedy 'Date at 2 O'Clock'

Actor Ahn Bo-hyun [FN ENTERTAINMENT]

Actor Ahn Bo-hyun [FN ENTERTAINMENT]

Actor Ahn Bo-hyun joined the cast for the upcoming romantic comedy film “Date at 2 O'Clock,” according to production company Filmmaker R&K on Tuesday.
Ahn’s role was originally to be played by actor Kim Seon-ho, but Kim left the cast when he became embroiled in controversy regarding his ex-girlfriend in October.
Ahn will play the male lead alongside singer and actor Yoona of girl group Girls’ Generation. The film will tell the story of a man and a woman who live in the same apartment complex as Ahn's character, each harboring their own secrets.
“Date at 2 O'Clock” will start filming in April 2022,” said Filmmaker R&K.

BY HALEY YANG [yang.hyunjoo@joongang.co.kr]
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