Kia to release high-performance version of electric EV6 on Oct. 4

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Kia to release high-performance version of electric EV6 on Oct. 4

Kia's EV6 GT, which will be released on Oct. 4. [KIA]

Kia's EV6 GT, which will be released on Oct. 4. [KIA]

Kia will release the high-performance version of its pure electric EV6 next week, the fastest car in Korea's auto industry. 
The EV6 GT will come with a stronger motor and batteries than the standard EV6, and will be introduced in the Korean market on Oct. 4.
The vehicle can generate a maximum of 430 horsepower and 75.5 kilograms-meter of torque. 
It only takes 3.5 seconds to reach 100 kilometers per hour, faster than any other vehicle from local companies.
Its maximum speed is 260 kilometers per hour.  
With an ultra-fast charging system, the vehicle only needs 18 minutes to be charged from 10 percent to 80 percent.  
"We will release more EVs with high-performance versions for those customers who pursue dynamic driving experience," Kia said. 
Kia's EV6 GT [KIA]

Kia's EV6 GT [KIA]

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