Fire kills dozens of animals at amusement park zoo in North Gyeongsang

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Fire kills dozens of animals at amusement park zoo in North Gyeongsang

A zoo at an amusement park in Gumi, North Gyeongsang, burns in a fire on Thursday. [NORTH GYEONGSANG FIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS]

A zoo at an amusement park in Gumi, North Gyeongsang, burns in a fire on Thursday. [NORTH GYEONGSANG FIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS]

A fire at a zoo in an amusement park in Gumi, North Gyeongsang, on Thursday burned down seven greenhouses, killing around 100 animals including rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and parrots.

The fire caused 22 million won ($17,800) worth of estimated property damage at the park, Geumo Land, before 31 firefighters and 12 fire trucks were able to extinguish the fire, 87 minutes after it was first reported at 2:58 a.m., according to the North Gyeongsang Fire Service Headquarters on Thursday.
Fishes, reptiles, insects and and decorations such as animal figures were also damaged. There were no human casualties.
The police and fire authorities are investigating the cause of the fire.

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