Disney Plus original series 'Race' set for release on May 10

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Disney Plus original series 'Race' set for release on May 10

Disney Plus' new series ″Race″ will be released on May 10 [WALT DISNEY KOREA]

Disney Plus' new series ″Race″ will be released on May 10 [WALT DISNEY KOREA]

Disney Plus original series “Race” starring actor Jung Yoon-ho of TVXQ!, Lee Yeon-hee, Hong Jong-hyun and Moon So-ri, will be released on May 10, the streaming service announced on Wednesday.  
The series is a “K-office drama,” revolving around Park Yoon-jo, played by Lee Yeon-hee, who is desperately trying to continue her career in a conglomerate corporation but is dragged into a recruitment scandal.  
Jung, commonly known by his stage name U-Know Yunho, will play Seo Dong-hoon, the young CEO of the company, Hong will play Ryu Jae-min, a capable worker and Moon will take on the rile of Chief Operating Officer Goo Yi-jeong, a veteran PR specialist.  
“Race” will be produced by Lee Dong-yun, known for his work on MBC’s “The Greatest Love” (2011), “Feast of the Gods” (2012) “20th Century Boy and Girl” (2017) and more.  

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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