Unique uniforms

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Unique uniforms

President Yoon Suk Yeol, far left, with the top officials of the Korean War Veterans Association including its chairman Son Hee-won, second from left, at the Blue House’s Yeongbingwan during a luncheon with 190 patriots and veterans' families on Wednesday. The Korean War veterans were given a new “heroes” uniform. President Yoon at the event stressed that the uniform contains the government’s promise of never forgetting the sacrifice and dedication that the Korean War veterans have made. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, far left, with the top officials of the Korean War Veterans Association including its chairman Son Hee-won, second from left, at the Blue House’s Yeongbingwan during a luncheon with 190 patriots and veterans' families on Wednesday. The Korean War veterans were given a new “heroes” uniform. President Yoon at the event stressed that the uniform contains the government’s promise of never forgetting the sacrifice and dedication that the Korean War veterans have made. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

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