PPP leader says China cannot be excluded in economic matters

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PPP leader says China cannot be excluded in economic matters

People Power Party leader Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon speaks at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington on Tuesday. [PEOPLE POWER PARTY]

People Power Party leader Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon speaks at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington on Tuesday. [PEOPLE POWER PARTY]

The ruling People Power Party leader said he met with White House Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell during a visit to Washington and discussed bilateral and regional issues.
In a meeting Tuesday, Rep. Kim Gi-hyeon said he talked about the importance of maintaining relations with China, and Campbell agreed.
"Both Korea and the U.S. have numerous economic issues related to China," Kim told reporters after the meeting. Kim said he also emphasized during the meeting that China cannot be excluded when it comes to economic matters.
Both sides have also agreed that the planned inaugural meeting of the new Nuclear Consultative Group between the two countries will serve as an opportunity to strengthen bilateral ties.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, co-chaired by Korea's Principal Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo and Campbell.
Kim Gi-hyeon is leading a delegation of party members on the seven-day trip, which also includes stops in New York and Los Angeles for meetings with U.S. government officials and congressional leaders.

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