Forklift license most-wanted among job-seekers in Korea last year, data show

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Forklift license most-wanted among job-seekers in Korea last year, data show

  • 기자 사진
A forklift lifts a boat. The forklift truck is moving the boat to land. [NEWS1]

A forklift lifts a boat. The forklift truck is moving the boat to land. [NEWS1]

The most popular type of government-issued occupational certification among job-seekers in Korea last year was forklift operator certification, the Human Resources Development of Korea said in a report.
The report said certifications in cooking for Korean food, electrical engineering, information processing and hairdressing followed the forklift operator certification in terms of popularity.
The agency under the Ministry of Employment and Labor surveyed 2.17 out of 2.18 million people who took tests to earn an occupational license.
One out of three respondents said they are seeking certification for employment opportunities.
The report found that 37.8 percent of those seeking certification were already employed, while 28.4 percent were students, and 20.6 percent were looking for a job.
In terms of age, those in their 20s accounted for 37 percent of all applicants, followed by 19.9 percent for those in their 30s, 15.8 percent for those in their 40s, and 14.7 percent for those aged 50 or more. Children above 10 accounted for 12.6 percent.
For reasons for seeking certification, 38.8 percent said they want to boost their chance of landing a job, while 24.4 percent cited self-improvement and 13.7 percent mentioned career development by acquiring occupational skills.
Forklift operator certification was also the most popular among those who sought certification for self-improvement purposes, while certification in industrial safety was the most popular among those who cited career development as the reason for seeking certification.
Those who are looking for a job and are currently not employed registered for the forklift operator certification the most, followed by certifications in confectionary making, baking, electrical engineering and information processing.
Those who are employed applied for industrial safety certification the most, followed by forklift operator license and electrical engineering certification.
Certification in hairdressing was the most popular among students, followed by certification in cooking Korean food and confectionary making.

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