Apink member Jeong Eun-ji's stalker receives suspended one-year sentence

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Apink member Jeong Eun-ji's stalker receives suspended one-year sentence

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Jeong Eun-ji of girl group Apink [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Jeong Eun-ji of girl group Apink [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A court sentenced girl group Apink Jeong Eun-ji’s stalker to a one-year prison term, suspended for two years, local news outlets reported Thursday.
The stalker, who is in their 50s and surnamed Cho, has sent 544 messages to the artist through various mediums, including a message saying, “Will you please accept me as your butler and partner?” since 2020.
The court also put Cho on probation, ordered 120 hours of volunteer service and gave a 100,000 won ($75) fine.
The artist’s agency Play M Entertainment, now called IST Entertainment, had given a warning to Cho to not send any more messages. Cho continued to send messages, however, so the agency filed a complaint in August 2021.
Cho was also charged for stalking Jeong in May 2020. Cho, on a motorcycle, chased after Jeong while the artist was going to her hair and makeup salon from the KBS building in Yeouido, western Seoul. Cho was also caught by the police while staking out around Jeong's house in 2021.
“The messages that the accused sent Jeong appear to go beyond messages of love and support from a fan based on general standards,” the court said.
“[Cho's] crime is a serious one, and the victim experienced severe mental shock, along with anxiety and fear. The accused has also been denying the charges and has not been showing any remorse," the court added.
Cho appealed the court’s decision.
To find out more about Jeong Eun-ji, visit Celeb Confirmed!

BY KIM JI-YE [kim.jiye@joongang.co.kr]
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