Kakao suffers outage for six minutes, messaging and PC login affected

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Kakao suffers outage for six minutes, messaging and PC login affected

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Messenger application KakaoTalk [KAKAO]

Messenger application KakaoTalk [KAKAO]

KakaoTalk, Korea’s dominant messenger app, didn’t work properly for six minutes on Monday afternoon while the system underwent an internal job.
Some users experienced difficulties in sending and receiving messages and signing into the PC version from 1:44 p.m. to 1:50 p.m., Kakao said the same day.

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“Instability occurred during an internal system job but the problem was fixed immediately,” a spokesperson for Kakao said. 
KakaoTalk is used by over 83 percent of the Korean population, according to statistics from 2022, for its broad range of services including messaging, online payments, taxi-hailing, maps and music streaming. A crash in Kakao servers due to a fire at the company's data center in Pangyo, Gyeonggi, led to serious outage of the app in October 2022, disrupting lives nationwide.

BY KIM JU-YEON [kim.juyeon2@joongang.co.kr]
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