Robots now making Yogiyo food deliveries in Incheon

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Robots now making Yogiyo food deliveries in Incheon

Delivery robots from Neubility, a domestic robot developer, navigate a crosswalk. [YOGIYO]

Delivery robots from Neubility, a domestic robot developer, navigate a crosswalk. [YOGIYO]

Yogiyo launched Korea's first large-scale outdoor robot delivery service on Monday.
The Korean food delivery platform rolled out the autonomous service in Songdo, Incheon, having conducted more than 10,000 pilot tests since partnering with robot service provider Neubility on the project back in June.

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Tailored for short-distance deliveries, the autonomous robots bring one order at a time to nearby apartment complexes, university campuses and large office buildings within a 1.2-kilometer (0.7-mile) radius. The electricity-fed bots typically traverse this distance in approximately 30 minutes.
The novice deliverers can reach a maximum speed of 5.76 kilometers per hour, slowing down as needed for pedestrians, obstacles or narrow roads. Riding on recent revisions to traffic laws, the robots are also authorized to operate on pedestrian-only paths.
“Robot delivery services offer a viable solution in regions experiencing rider shortages or challenging delivery conditions during peak periods,” said Yogiyo Chief Technology Officer Jang Soo-baek. “By working closely with Neubility, we aim to further refine the technology and ensure the safety of our robot delivery operations.”

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