Samsung SDI shows off energy-dense EV battery at IAA Transportation show

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Samsung SDI shows off energy-dense EV battery at IAA Transportation show

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Samsung SDI's LFP+ battery is showcased at the IAA Transportation 2024 roadshow in Hanover, Germany. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI's LFP+ battery is showcased at the IAA Transportation 2024 roadshow in Hanover, Germany. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI is showcasing a lithium iron phosphate (LFP)+ battery that is 10 percent more energy-dense than its predecessor at the IAA Transportation roadshow in Hanover, Germany, the manufacturer said Wednesday.
Samsung SDI’s LFP+ battery is optimized for EVs and is 10 percent more energy dense than its regular LFP counterpart. It is optimal for vehicles that travel long distances, as it can juice up to 80 percent in 20 minutes and can make more than 1,400 round trips between Hanover and Frankfurt on a single charge, according to the company.

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The company’s proprietary technology that minimizes thermal runaway — the overheating of a battery that can lead to fires and explosions — has also been applied as a safety measure.
Samsung SDI aims to attract customers from the commercial EV industry, which market tracker SNE Research predicted would grow 25 percent annually from its current total production capacity of 47 gigawatt-hours to reach 177 gigawatt-hours in 2030.
The annual IAA Transportation alternates between exhibiting technology for transport, logistics and infrastructure for the commercial vehicles and consumer vehicles every year. The 2024 event, dedicated to commercial vehicles, runs from Tuesday through Sept. 22. 
The manufacturer is also showcasing its All Solid Battery (ASB), which uses anode-less technology to produce what the company claims is the highest energy density in the industry, as well as its 46-phi cylindrical battery, at the event.
The firm has been sending out samples of the ASB to customers with plans to mass-produce the battery from 2027, and will sell 46-phi cylindrical batteries for use in micromobility from the beginning of 2025.
The firm is also exhibiting its environmental, social and governance management and strategy along with the closed-loop system implemented in its supply chain in the Sustainable Future Zone in line with IAA Transportation’s emphasis on achieving climate-neutral mobility through EVs, hydrogen power and other technology.

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