BTS agency HYBE reports individuals for selling artists' personal information online

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BTS agency HYBE reports individuals for selling artists' personal information online

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HYBE logo [HYBE]

HYBE logo [HYBE]

Individuals selling K-pop artists' flight information in exchange for money have been handed over to prosecutors, BTS agency HYBE said Tuesday.
HYBE says it has been running a monitoring team that traced a number of people who were trading information related to artists flying on airplanes. The company reported them to the police and the case has been handed over to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, according to HYBE.

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The suspects are accused of making tens to hundreds of millions of won by selling artists' flight information through online chatrooms and messaging applications. The information was used for stalkers as well as those trying to sabotage artists' work by canceling reservations, changing flight meals or reallocating seats, according to HYBE.
"The selling of illegal flight information is not isolated to HYBE artists and has been spreading throughout the entertainment industry to other idol groups and actors," HYBE said in a statement.
"We will show no tolerance to crimes related to trading artists' personal information and will take firm action."
Last year, an employee at train operator Korail was fired after being caught viewing BTS leader RM's personal information through the company's online system.

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