Coffee, brought to you by Hyundai

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Coffee, brought to you by Hyundai

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DAL-e, a delivery robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, moves across Hyundai Motor's Factorial Seongsu building in eastern Seoul after making a coffee delivery for a worker on a different floor. [YONHAP]

DAL-e, a delivery robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, moves across Hyundai Motor's Factorial Seongsu building in eastern Seoul after making a coffee delivery for a worker on a different floor. [YONHAP]

DAL-e, a delivery robot developed by Hyundai Motor's Robotics Lab, moves across Hyundai Motor's Factorial Seongsu building in eastern Seoul after making a coffee delivery for a worker on a different floor.
The robot is equipped with machine-learning AI that allows it to distinguish between human faces and find delivery routes, and can carry up to 10 kilograms (22 pounds).
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