Pusan National University president apologizes for June forklift tragedy

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Pusan National University president apologizes for June forklift tragedy

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The forklift that caused a fatal accident at Pusan National University in June [YONHAP]

The forklift that caused a fatal accident at Pusan National University in June [YONHAP]

Pusan National University's president apologized for a traffic accident that led to a death of a student and promised stricter traffic safety measures on campus.
“A tragic traffic accident, which should never be repeated again, happened on campus,” University President Choi Jae-weon wrote in an email sent to students and faculty, the school said Monday. “As the university president, I deeply apologize for failing to ensure safety on campus and protecting the student, also extending my heartfelt condolences and sincere apologies to the bereaved families.”
On June 17, a Pusan National University student was hit by a forklift truck on campus while crossing a crosswalk. The student was transported to a hospital but died two days later.
The president announced that the university will implement further safety measures to prevent similar accidents.
Pusan National University will install speed bumps and speed detectors in areas of campus that are prone to traffic accidents. It also plans to cut down trees that create blind spots for cars.
Starting from the fall semester, the university will hire retired faculty as campus safety officers to help with traffic control and monitor parking areas.

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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