Action director Park Hoon-jung's 'The Tyrant' to be released on Disney+ in August

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Action director Park Hoon-jung's 'The Tyrant' to be released on Disney+ in August

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A poster of Disney+ upcoming action series ″The Tyrant″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

A poster of Disney+ upcoming action series ″The Tyrant″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

Streaming platform Disney+ will release a new Korean original series, “The Tyrant,” on Aug. 14, the Walt Disney Company Korea said Monday.  
Action series “The Tyrant” follows the battle to possess a bioweapon sample that was lost during a handover between the Korean government and U.S. intelligence agencies.
The series was directed by Park Hoon-jung, who was behind hit actions films such as “New World” (2013) and “The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion” (2018). “The Tyrant” will be Park’s first drama series.  
Actor Cha Seung-won, Kim Seon-ho, Kim Kang-woo and Jo Yoon-su will feature in the upcoming action series.  
All four episodes of "The Tyrant" will be released at once on Disney+.

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