SK Telecom to release veterinary AI in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

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SK Telecom to release veterinary AI in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

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SK Telecom's Jang Dong-il, head of X Caliber's global team, left, and Dr. Liu Chang Hair, head of Myvetcare's business division, pose for a photo after signing a supply deal at the Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations Congress 2024 in Kuala Lumpur on July 19. [SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom's Jang Dong-il, head of X Caliber's global team, left, and Dr. Liu Chang Hair, head of Myvetcare's business division, pose for a photo after signing a supply deal at the Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations Congress 2024 in Kuala Lumpur on July 19. [SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom, Korea’s largest mobile carrier, is expanding X Caliber, its AI veterinary image service, to Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
SK Telecom said Tuesday that it had signed a supply deal to distribute X Caliber via Malaysia’s pet health care distributor Myvetcare. The service is scheduled for commercialization among Malaysian vet clinics in the third quarter this year.
The deal was signed at the Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations Congress 2024, one of the largest veterinary research gatherings in the Asia-Pacific region, which took place in Kuala Lumpur from July 19 to 21.
The company also rolled the service out to Thai animal hospital Happy Pet and Vietnam’s Vet Sky Holdings, the country’s major veterinary hospital chain. The two respective companies will continue to cooperate with SK Telecom to expand the service throughout their countries.
The Korean company also plans to set up programs to teach veterinarians how to utilize its AI service. 
X Caliber analyzes animal X-rays, currently available for cats and dogs, to assist veterinarians in diagnosing critical diseases.  
The pet care market in Southeast Asia is growing at a rate of 15 percent and is projected to hit $3.3 billion in 2023, according to market researcher GlobalPETS.
“This contract is expected to enhance the pet care environment in Southeast Asia by leveraging SKT’s AI capabilities,” said SK Telecom Chief Development Officer Ha Min-yong. “We will continue to promote Korea’s AI technology in the global market through AI transformation across various industries.”
X Caliber made its North American debut earlier this month and is set to roll out in both the United States and Canada later this year. It launched in Australia and Indonesia in May, marking its first international offering.

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