Four-day civil defense exercise begins on Monday, nationwide air-raid drill set for Thursday

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Four-day civil defense exercise begins on Monday, nationwide air-raid drill set for Thursday

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Members of the police's Special Operations Unit participate in a pre-exercise near KSPO Dome in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Tuesday, ahead of the four-day Ulchi civil defense drill scheduled from Monday to Thursday. [SONGPA DISTRICT OFFICE]

Members of the police's Special Operations Unit participate in a pre-exercise near KSPO Dome in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Tuesday, ahead of the four-day Ulchi civil defense drill scheduled from Monday to Thursday. [SONGPA DISTRICT OFFICE]

A four-day civil defense exercise to review contingency plans for war and other national emergencies began nationwide on Monday. An air raid evacuation drill will be held as part of the government's annual Ulchi exercise on Thursday.

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This year’s Ulchi exercise in Seoul involves around 170 agencies, including the Capital Defense Command and the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, with 140,000 participants. The training prepares for provocations from North Korea, such as drone attacks and the launch of trash-laden balloons, the Seoul city government said.
North Korea has sent trash-laden balloons eleven times this year, including the latest launch on Aug. 10, following its first provocation in May.
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, center, wears a gas mask during a CBRN defense drill at the City Hall in central Seoul on Monday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, center, wears a gas mask during a CBRN defense drill at the City Hall in central Seoul on Monday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon participated in the training on Monday, wearing a gas mask and inspecting a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) defense facility. He also discussed Seoul’s response to potential drone swarms from Pyongyang with relevant authorities.
On Tuesday, a counterterrorism drill will take place at the KSPO Dome in the Songpa District of southern Seoul. The drill will focus on terrorism against multiuse facilities. Around 380 officials will participate in the drill, which will involve armored vehicles and helicopters deployed in the area. 
In Gyeonggi, 31 institutions and authorities are participating in the exercise, including a counterterrorism drill in Ansan that simulates attacks involving trash-carrying balloons and other scenarios.
A nationwide civil defense drill will occur on the final day of the exercise, featuring a one-minute air-raid siren at 2 p.m. on Thursday. 
Twenty areas, including cities and counties in North Chungcheong and North Gyeongsang, will be exempted from participating due to their designation as special disaster zones following heavy rains last month. 
After the siren sounds, residents must evacuate to the nearest civil defense shelter. Approximately 17,000 locations, including subway platforms and underground shopping malls, have been designated as such shelters.
The public can find the locations of designated evacuation areas on portal sites and through the Ministry of the Interior and Safety’s Emergency Ready App. Those far from designated shelters are advised to seek safe underground spaces.
Outdoor movement will be restricted until 2:15 p.m. Drivers on restricted roads during the drill must park on the right side of the road and tune in to the radio for instructions.
In Seoul, sections of three roads — Sejong-daero in central Seoul, Tongil-ro and Dobong-ro in northern Seoul — will be restricted during the drill. 
From 2:15 p.m., people can move freely but are advised to remain alert. The drill will conclude at 2:20 p.m.
Trains, airplanes, subways, ships and hospitals will continue operating as usual during the 20-minute drill to minimize public inconvenience. 

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