International textile trade show kicks off at Coex

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International textile trade show kicks off at Coex

 Employees hang textile samples at a trade show at Coex in southern Seoul on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Employees hang textile samples at a trade show at Coex in southern Seoul on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Employees hang textile samples at a trade show at Coex in southern Seoul on Wednesday.
The 2024 edition of Preview in Seoul, with the theme of “Innovation for Sustainability” runs in Coex's A and B event halls from Wednesday to Friday. This year's show will be the largest in its 25-year history, with 576 companies registered — 275 from Korea and 301 from 13 countries including China, Taiwan, Turkey, India and Pakistan.
The expo's organizers anticipate record attendance building on visits from representatives of such global brands as Supreme, Hugo Boss and Patagonia last year.
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