University students complete Hana Financial's Smart progam

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University students complete Hana Financial's Smart progam

Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, in the middle, poses with university student ambassadors for the group's Smart program after they completed a three-month campaign at Hana’s Myeong-dong headquarters in central Seoul on Friday.[HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, in the middle, poses with university student ambassadors for the group's Smart program after they completed a three-month campaign at Hana’s Myeong-dong headquarters in central Seoul on Friday.[HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, in the middle, poses with university student ambassadors for the group's Smart program after they completed a three-month campaign at Hana’s Myeong-dong headquarters in central Seoul on Friday.
Fifty students completed the program, now in its 18th year, participating in various activities such as creating video content for the firm’s YouTube channel, planning marketing campaigns in collaboration with Hana’s sports teams, proposing new business ideas and attending meetings with chief executives of major Hana subsidiaries.
 Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, in the middle, poses with university student ambassadors for the group's Smart program after they completed a three-month campaign at Hana’s Myeong-dong headquarters in central Seoul on Friday.[HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, in the middle, poses with university student ambassadors for the group's Smart program after they completed a three-month campaign at Hana’s Myeong-dong headquarters in central Seoul on Friday.[HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Since 2012, 1,010 students have completed the program, the first student ambassador campaign in Korea’s financial industry. 
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