SHINee's Key to release new album 'Pleasure Shop' on his birthday, Sept. 23

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SHINee's Key to release new album 'Pleasure Shop' on his birthday, Sept. 23

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Singer Key of boy band SHINee [SM ENTERTAINMENT]

Singer Key of boy band SHINee [SM ENTERTAINMENT]

SHINee's Key will release his new album on Sept. 23, which is also the singer's birthday, his agency SM Entertainment said Monday.
The new six-track album, titled "Pleasure Shop," comes a year after the boy band member released his previous EP "Good & Great" last September.

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The new album will have six "sophisticated and sensuous" house genre tracks including the title track "Pleasure Shop," according to SM Entertainment.
"The new album will be even more meaningful for Key and his global fans as it comes on the singer's birthday," the agency said.
Key recently released his first Japanese single, "Tongue Tied," on Aug. 7.

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